Tuesday, May 15, 2007


This day was a day I've waited for and dreamed of for a very long time. My baby girl was in my arms at last, and her Daddy and I publicly dedicated her to the Lord and committed ourselves to bringing her up in a loving Christian home in the presence of and with the blessing and support of our church family.

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." (Psalm 37:4) How this Scripture verse has sustained me through the years! Even in the long years of waiting for the child that would one day be ours, I found that delight in the Lord. My God kept the hope alive in my heart when I didn't want to hope anymore. I have truly witnessed great and mighty things! Blessed be the Lord!

Sunday, May 6, 2007


Naomi's first cousin, Savannah Leigh Thigpen, turned two years old on Saturday. We took Granny and went to the birthday party at the Jackson Zoo on Sunday afternoon. It sure felt like summertime! You can see all the cute little red faces having a good time. It really was fun to see so many little ones playing happily together.

The Birthday Girl

Waiting for the "petting" animals.

"What'd ya think's in there?"

"A real rabbit! Can I touch it??"

Saturday, May 5, 2007


On most mornings our girl has her two eggs and toast for breakfast -- don't know what I'll do when she "burns out" on eggs!! Now she's getting a bit more adventurous with food and wants a "bite" of whatever her Daddy is eating. This morning it was Hardee's special breakfast sandwich. It's pretty obvious that she was enjoying the food and the company!

Friday, May 4, 2007


Here Naomi sits on her Daddy's favorite "boy toy." It seems the John Deere fever is quite contagous where we live. We were called to Grandma Putt's and Papa Chuck's for a special surprise for Naomi. Papa Chuck had bought the ultimate John Deere "boy toy" for his yard and also got a John Deere tricycle mower with front loader and dump cart and a John Deere cap for our little girl. It was so fun watching the faces of everyone as it was unloaded from the truck and then again when she was placed in the seat. I took a few precious pictures that I hope will capture the moment.