Thursday, March 12, 2009

For My Family

Oh, yes, I fully accept the "Bad Blogger Award." I suppose I've thought no one was looking. But twice in as many days family members have mentioned an interest in new pics.

This is my most recent favorite picture. It was taken just before the South Mississippi FCC (Families with Chinese Children) Chinese New Year celebration in Petal.

Can you tell Naomi was having a most wonderful time?????

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Naomi CaiHeng is Three Years Old!!

Our sweet baby is growing into a wonderful little girl. Naomi brings so much joy and laughter to our home. It's hard to believe at times that two years ago we were looking at her referral picture and could only imagine what lay ahead for our family.

Naomi enjoyed her third birthday on December 1. With her birthday following so closely behind the Thanksgiving family gatherings, we opted for an intimate family birthday celebration at home. It was a special time with excitement building during the day as we waited for Daddy to come home.

Naomi was thrilled to watch as I decorated her birthday cake and made the table ready. Anticipating her birthday cake was a high point for Naomi, as she remembered her Daddy's birthday cake a couple of months ago and was eagerly excited about having her own birthday cake.

Presents are nice, but for this three-year-old the presents paled in comparision to the birthday cake and balloons. I love that Naomi is enamored with the beauty of the simple things in life.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Myrtle Beach Travel Group Reunion

Father's Day was spent in South Carolina with the families from our Bethany Travel Group. It was our first reunion and a time for the sweet making of new memories. Our girls have grown so much and are all so precious. As we suspected, Naomi is indeed a "tall" girl among her peers. Though she enjoyed seeing and playing with her China sisters again -- especially at the beach--, she missed home. A phrase we heard repeated from Naomi all through the trip was "Momma's truck, Momma's truck." It seemed to represent her sense of security and home. And she was a good little traveler (as long as she was in Momma's truck!). She even endured the "horse to the barn trip home" of 15 hours! Quite the little trooper!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The First MNM Playdate

Take a GOOD look at these girls! The parents and families of these girls have gone through so much to get to this very special day. They are the MNM Girls - Mallory, Naomi, and Mia Grace. They belong to the SAS Moms - Samantha, Adele, and Sandra - who have thought about and dreamed about the day these precious children would all three play together. And now, with God's grace, it is a reality! We are all linked by a "red thread" that only the Weaver of Heaven could have designed. How awesome and wonderful are His works!

This darling baby girl has been home from China just over a month. Her family is "over the moon" in love with her. Mia Grace's contagious little smile just has a way of pulling you into her world. I just LOVE seeing her face break out into a sweet grin!! The wonder and awe of the transformation that happens to these little children is nothing but God at His best!

Mallory is the oldest of the three and is expecting her Mei Mei (a little sister). From what we witnessed Monday, she is practicing her Big Sister skills and will be such an asset to her Mom and Dad when little Lucy arrives! Please join our little group in prayer that China will begin to process adoptions in a "much" more timely manner and that the children will join their families much sooner than anticipated.

May this be the first of many, many MNM girls and SAS moms playdates!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Easter 2008 - In Daddy's Steps

I'm having issues with uploading pics, but it looks like the video clip just might work. This clip was taken Easter Sunday after church in Nai Nai and Papa's back yard.

It was a beautiful sunny day, yet the clouds of grief were still with us. There are a multitude of emotions and memories to work through in Shasta's absence. How thankful I am to have dear little Naomi to fill my arms! She is such good medicine in the healing process.

Easter pictures can be found on the Shutterfly link.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Year Later...

It has been a year now since "January 29 - Gotcha Day" when Naomi was first placed in our arms. Her adoption became official the following day. Her Daddy and I have been reminiscing and telling Naomi "her story." To bring back the specifics of this wonderful occasion, I've been reading aloud my journal entries each morning from the days we were in China.

Another milestone we experienced this past week was our final adoption post-placement home visit. It was so good to see our adoption social worker again, but I really think Naomi enjoyed the visit most. They played in the floor together for much of the time!

Our granddaughters, Olivia and Amanda, were visiting when we had the "snow weekend." Naomi loves them so, and they all had such fun playing in the snow together.

NOTE: Pictures from Naomi's 2nd Birthday can be found by clicking the link to the left under "More Naomi Pics."

Monday, November 5, 2007

Tribute to Jie Jie

"How do you memorialize your child on what would have been her 29th birthday? This is only one of a myriad of ways. I chose to update Naomi's blog with a tribute to her Jie Jie. Our precious Shasta went to be the the Lord on Monday, October 1, 2007 as a result of a fatal automobile accident. Her husband and children were with her when the accident occured, but thankfully, are physically unharmed. Eric, Olivia, and Amanda are now living with Eric's mother and struggling to find the new order in their lives. Shasta had been homeschooling both girls in the "cabin in the woods" less than two miles from where we live. Now the children are enrolled in public school in the next county and seem to be adjusting to their new routines.

This past year has been a gift from God for our family. Shasta was close enough to be "information central" when we made the big trip to get her little sister, Naomi. We had time together in such a rich way that we might not have had if they'd still lived in the next county.

There is no way to sum up a life in just a few paragraphs. Shasta lived well, loved well, and knew her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I have many, many wonderful memories that will be shared in the stories that I tell her daughters and her little sister as they grow to adulthood.

Shasta Leigh, I love you so much.

Friday, July 27, 2007

July Highlights

July is a month of milestones

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Pix Fix

Here are a few recent Naomi pictures. My blog posting may be sporadic for awhile. Miss Naomi is VERY JEALOUS of my computer time. She is doing well and amazes us every day. Her vocabulary is increasing and her eye for detail is awesome! We are so very blessed that she is part of our family. Reflection on how God orchestrated all the circumstances for this precious child to be our daughter is humbling.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


This day was a day I've waited for and dreamed of for a very long time. My baby girl was in my arms at last, and her Daddy and I publicly dedicated her to the Lord and committed ourselves to bringing her up in a loving Christian home in the presence of and with the blessing and support of our church family.

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." (Psalm 37:4) How this Scripture verse has sustained me through the years! Even in the long years of waiting for the child that would one day be ours, I found that delight in the Lord. My God kept the hope alive in my heart when I didn't want to hope anymore. I have truly witnessed great and mighty things! Blessed be the Lord!