Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The First MNM Playdate

Take a GOOD look at these girls! The parents and families of these girls have gone through so much to get to this very special day. They are the MNM Girls - Mallory, Naomi, and Mia Grace. They belong to the SAS Moms - Samantha, Adele, and Sandra - who have thought about and dreamed about the day these precious children would all three play together. And now, with God's grace, it is a reality! We are all linked by a "red thread" that only the Weaver of Heaven could have designed. How awesome and wonderful are His works!

This darling baby girl has been home from China just over a month. Her family is "over the moon" in love with her. Mia Grace's contagious little smile just has a way of pulling you into her world. I just LOVE seeing her face break out into a sweet grin!! The wonder and awe of the transformation that happens to these little children is nothing but God at His best!

Mallory is the oldest of the three and is expecting her Mei Mei (a little sister). From what we witnessed Monday, she is practicing her Big Sister skills and will be such an asset to her Mom and Dad when little Lucy arrives! Please join our little group in prayer that China will begin to process adoptions in a "much" more timely manner and that the children will join their families much sooner than anticipated.

May this be the first of many, many MNM girls and SAS moms playdates!!!

1 comment:

Samantha said...

We had a blast! I just can't wait 'til the next one. My little "M" had fun. She was ready for a nap after her outing. ;)
We love you two and look forward to many, many more playdates.
Samantha and Mia Grace